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My Hopeful World
13 novembre 2011

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19 19 19 19 19 19
Kaelly today Is able to say... I'M NINETEEN Yeaaaaaaah A lot of my friends already sent me B-Day messages I am really really really happy Yujin called me this morning I was so surprised Since I did not talked to her in a long time It felt really good...
5 septembre 2011


As an au pair, today was my very first time As it's quite far from my home, I had to take the train~~ I was motivated while going there but... It ended being really hard and really tiring The three girls were totally hyper And I didn't knew what to do...
9 mars 2011

Cooking <3

Cooking <3
Ce soit, j'ai fait des gâteaux. J'en avais fait dimanche, mais j'ai oublié de poster alors é_è Désolée !! Mais ceux d'aujourd'hui sont tout aussi bien réussis ! Et les autres avaient plu alors~~ J'ai suivi cette recette =>>>
25 mai 2011


Aha~~ Today~~ I saw for the first time... Morning Musume's new PV !! "ONLY YOU" Really shiny ** Diamonds and jewerly and such ** So beautiful ! Here is the link ONLY YOU ~ MORNING MUSUME And... Even if I'm not one of her biggest fan... I think that......
27 mai 2011

Boucles d'oreille ~~ !!

Boucles d'oreille ~~ !!
I did it ! J'avoue, cela fait un certain temps que j'ai reçu le matériel... Mais je n'avais pas encore d'idées précises alors~~ ça a du attendre !! Mais ce matin~~ J'ai fait la première boucle d'oreille !!~~ Comme je n'ai pas le temps, Je m'occuperai...
29 mai 2011

Fête des mères II

Fête des mères II
Aujourd'hui, Je me suis chargée du repas !! Soo~~ La table ressemblait à ça En apéritif, il y avait un assortiment de hors d'oeuvres En entrée, des coquilles St-Jacques à la Bretonne En plat du saumon et du riz avec une sauce à l'oseille Et en dessert~~...
28 août 2011

The Sound Of Music~~

The Sound Of Music~~
Aha~~ Kaelly is still sick today But that's not worse so~~ It's okay !! Then~~ I was able to watch a movie I love The Sound Of Music !!! A great movie like this~~ I can't help but crying I'm such a crybaby sometimes Aha~~ But you know There is a BEAUTIFUL...
10 septembre 2011

░Sleepy Morning☾

░Sleepy Morning☾
Minna~~~heellooo~~oo!! This morning as well I woke up early But today, I'm really sleepy Can't help but thinking "Aa~~ah, I wanna sleep more!!" Well~~ that happens sometimes, you know~~ Soo~~ Here is my super cute pyjamas!! I bought it at Etam , I think~~...
4 décembre 2011


Every year, I go to the Salon du Cheval with my father It's a tradition But this year, we did not wanted so much, and went only to see the Gucci Masters It was awesome Even though I had to wake up veee~~~ery early... It was really fun, and I still love...
20 juin 2012

♫ Garnier et Sentou à la Cigale ★ v.2

♫ Garnier et Sentou à la Cigale ★ v.2
Bon, comme l'article précédent est quand même super long, Et que la majorité d'entre vous aura la flemme de le lire... Si vous avez le courage >> c'est par là! << Un résumé de ce que j'en ai pensé? C'ÉTAIT GÉNIAL Drôle, Très, Très, TRÈS drôle! Fantaisiste,...
1 décembre 2011

Korean food~~!!

Korean food~~!!
Today, we went to a new korean restaurant Because my teacher was absent We had plenty of time to eat And we went to Opera, of course!! NY said this restaurant was really "korean-like" And we all agreed the food was delicious So you must give it a try...
31 octobre 2012

Morning Musume~san

Morning Musume~san
You know, Kaelly really loves Morning Musume It seems a bit childish, I guess, Because they're idols and stuffs, But I honestly do love them! I wonder why, Since I'm not really a Jpop or a Kpop fan... Isn't it weird, for me to like them when I'm not into...
8 octobre 2011

With dad&mum

With dad&mum
Yesterday was my brother birthday He is really growing up, isn't he Aa~~ah, so he invited friends for dinner And we had to leave the place!! So, as I ate Teriyaki Don for lunch I did not wanted asiatic food for dinner, you know And we went to a very special...
11 mars 2011

Opération Cheesecake

Opération Cheesecake
Aujourd'hui... J'ai fait un cheesecake !! Aha, mon blog ne parle que de nourriture XD Je ne suis pas si gourmande é_è Alooors~~ Il faut... pour 12 personnes~~ 12 petits suisses, 600g de fromage frais, 2 cuillères à soupe de vanille liquide, 4 cuillères...
6 mai 2011

Good Morning ~~

Good Morning ~~
Everybody, good morning !! Vous avez bien dormi ? Le temps est magnifique aujourd'hui I was so happy ** En me levant... Nalah était devant ma porte Elle fait ça souvent le matin ! Hier, elle m'avait réveillée TT___TT J'ai d'ailleurs une photo d'elle trop...
2 juillet 2011

** Japan Expo **

** Japan Expo **
Today was Japan Expo Day~~!! I was suppose to go with Yujin but~~ She couldn't So I decided to go with Audrey And we spent quite a good day !! That was sooo~~o big And our legs hurt us so much~~ But still, we had fun doing it We saw a whole bunch of wonderful...
28 juin 2011


Après le musée~~ Nous sommes allées rendre visite à ma grand mère !! Et comme elle ne fait rien à moitié~~ Nous avons eu un excellent goûter~~ "Plaisir aux noix" (Picard, I guess, or something like that) One of my favority one Soooo~~o yummy !! And Those...
5 octobre 2011

Comfort Gel Mask ~~

Comfort Gel Mask ~~
I bought last week-end~~ A "comfort gel mask" Though I often have headaches I thought that I might try !! You can use it cold or hot~~ And put it on your eyes And keep it five or ten minutes I tried it on monday It's quite nice !! Plus, it was super cheap~~...
8 mai 2011

Coiffure du jour~~

Coiffure du jour~~
Everybody Good Morning !! How are you today ?? Alors aujourd'hui... mes grands-parents viennent à la maison !! So, I had to wake up really early~~ But... I'm not tired "_" Enfin breeef~~ Here is my hairstyle~~ From the back~~ Et devant~~ But I have to...
1 septembre 2011


Today will be a little more fun, as you can see~~ Nayoung Yujin And me The three of us went to disneyland two days ago~~ It was really fun !! The weather was perfect~~ And we were able to do a lot of things !! La maison hantée Pirate des Caraïbes ~~ We...
26 mars 2011

Free Day##

Free Day##
Pour la première fois depuis... très longtemps, j'ai eu une journée entière de libre !! Avec mon père et mon frère, on est allé au cinéma... On a vu "L'Agence" avec Matt Damon. Je le conseille ! Et en plus, c'est une jolie histoire d'amour~~ (aha, imaginez...
29 octobre 2012

Y B-Day!

Y B-Day!
It was last week, Y 21th B-Day!! Awesome~~~ NY, F and me bought her a present! I was a bit nervous, Since it was my idea, But she loved it! I'm so happy!! Also, last saturday, We went to the restaurant "Le Jardin du Roy" It's near St-Michel, but the menu...
13 novembre 2012

20 20 20

20 20 20
Today, it's really it, right? Kaelly finally turned 20? I received tons of B-Day messages I am so happy! I thank everyone for their good wishes, It truly makes me feel grateful, To have such amazing friends and family! Will Kaelly remember her 20th B-day?...
1 octobre 2012

The Difference!

The Difference!
For those of you who didn't spot the difference Here are two photos for comparison! It is a LOT shorter, you see? When I went to have my hair done... "How can you bear this hair! It's really long, it must be heavy, right?" the hairdresser said She guessed...
17 octobre 2012


With my friends, We are planning to go to London in January, But I don't want to... I mean, I do want to, But there is this feeling... I am not comfortable with the idea AT ALL Like... I don't know, It's so strange... Of course, I can't tell them about...
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My Hopeful World
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